BREAKING: Gov. Fubara to launch investigation into past Rivers governance

The governor accused his opponents of purposely destroying his government although he hoped that the state's problem might be resolved amicably. He vowed to make difficult decisions in the future, no matter how painful they seemed.

Rivers State Governor Siminalayi Fubara has declared that his administration intends to form a panel of investigation into the state’s governance.

Governor Fubara made this statement on Monday after swearing in Dagogo Iboroma as the state’s Attorney General, immediately after the Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) was vetted and confirmed by the Victor Oko-Jumbo-led House of Assembly.

He emphatically stated that the state is in a critical situation where it has become obvious that the political crisis cannot be resolved.

The governor accused his opponents of deliberately sabotaging his administration while he was hoping that the issue in the state would be resolved amicably.

He vowed to make tough decisions moving forward no matter how hurtful they would seem.

Governor Fubara also responded to comments by former Attorney General Zacchaeus Adangor (SAN), and his counterpart in the Ministry of Works Alabo George-Kelly.

He accused the former Attorney General of sabotaging his administration by filing nolle prosequi against the interest of the state.

On the comment by George-Kelly, Governor Fubara maintained he would have been promoted beyond Level 14 in the civil servants before his retirement.

He said he was already on Level 13 as a Chief Account Officer before 2023. According to him, even if it was a mistake, by the special grace of God he is here as a Governor.

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