Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria – Start-up Guide

One of the most profitable industries in Nigeria is poultry farming.
Nigeria generates up to 454 billion tons of meat and 4 million eggs annually, according to study on poultry.
180 million chickens are currently living in Nigeria each year. Additionally, semi-intensive systems are used to rear roughly 60 million chickens. An intensive system raises 40 million. And 80 million are produced by sophisticated processes.
The cultivation of domestic birds for the purpose of producing meat or eggs is known as the poultry business. The poultry industry is tremendously profitable. However, if one does not practice attentively, they risk losing. As a result, this post provides you with some instructions on how to engage in profitable chicken farming.
Five crucial steps to successfully run a poultry farm includes:
Step 1: Decide which kind of poultry birds you want to raise
Different types of poultry birds exist. You must carefully choose the type of bird you wish to raise before starting a poultry farm. This is crucial since every bird has a unique method of being raised. Each bird has a specific method and location for raising its young.
Broilers, layers, cockerels, and turkeys are the most prominent breeds of poultry raised in the backyard. Each is raised differently and for a different reason.
Layers, cockerels, and broilers are primarily raised for the purpose of producing meat, eggs, and meat. Cockerels and broilers grow extremely differently; cockerels grow more slowly while broilers grow more quickly.
Step 2: Decide where your birds should be kept
Care must be taken to provide for poultry animals. They need a prime location at all times. For instance, young broilers require a very warm environment for the first several weeks of their lives. They won’t survive at all if exposed to cold needlessly. That is why it is crucial to choose a setting that will be ideal for your birds.
In addition, a place devoid of predators like ants, termites, or snakes may be necessary. These predators have the power to kill animals valued thousands of dollars.
In a same line, predators may also be people. The area where you are must be theft-free. If not, your chances of losing money in the poultry industry are very high.
Step 3: Feed the birds properly
You must feed your birds very well if you want to turn a profit from your poultry business. The weight of the poultry birds is a major selling point in the poultry business. This is due to the fact that birds are frequently sold and bought based on their weight.
You must feed your birds a high-quality brand of food in an appropriate quantity if you want them to grow to a healthy weight.
In addition, illnesses are frequently contagious in chicks. And not just that. They quickly spread infections to one another as well. You must thus give them the appropriate immunizations and drugs. This will keep them in excellent health and shape for successful sales.
Step 4: Develop a strong business mindset
Poor business orientation can occasionally be a concern for lots of companies. There are many strategies to market the poultry industry. You could sell to food vendors, merchants, consumers, retailers, frozen food vendors, etc.
Each method of marketing birds could have advantages and disadvantages. You must give it careful consideration and select the best option for marketing your birds.
To get started, the poultry farming company requires a lot of capital. Do not attempt your hand at raising chickens if your financial situation is unstable. If not, it’s possible that you won’t be able to give your best to them. This will reduce the possible profit that you as the chicken farmer should receive.
Additionally, you could need to expand up your business after a very cheap initial investment. This strategy for starting a chicken business is really sensible. This is true because unforeseen circumstances could arise. You might not be able to handle these situations as a starter, which could result in a significant loss.
Finally, do your research before starting a poultry business. Before beginning, get the answers you need from professionals and broaden your horizons. You can avoid many avoidably unpleasant situations by doing this.