4 Facts About Getting Quick Google AdSense Approval For Your Blog

In this post, I’ll be offering some tips that can help you get Adsense approval quickly on your blog.

Many blog owners and blogger friends have come to me with a variety of complaints regarding Google AdSense rejection. Especially those who submitted more than three applications and were unsuccessful.

I did a little survey and found out that everyone of them had a similar explanation for why AdSense had rejected their sites. I also came to the realization that it is one of the reasons why majority of blog owners get denied of google approval.

Read along as I will highlight at least 4 methods that will make you feel as though you have just finished a full plate of goat head (Ishi Ewu) and will help you get fast AdSense approval without too much stress.

Follow this guidelines to get blog accepted by Google AdSense


1. Invalid Traffic

It’s a common misconception among blog owners that you need a lot of traffic to get authorized by AdSense. While traffic is a crucial factor, you do not absolutely need a lot of traffic to be approved.

Your blog may be rejected if it receives invalid traffic because this is yet another significant infraction. Driving erroneous traffic can result in a permanent restriction a blog to display Adsense in the future, even for blogs that AdSense has already approved.

Google hates Bot traffic, and it is regarded as invalid traffic. There are websites where you can receive legitimate traffic that complies with AdSense policies, for example, running ads with google, you will receive 100% unique organic traffics. It is important to note that majority of sites that claim to sale traffic are actually operated by bots, so you should be wary of them.

2. Copyrighted Materials

This is among the most frequent reasons given for the denial of AdSense publishers. According to Google Publisher Policies, copying contents from another publication or blog that include photos without getting consent is a significant offense and will get your application for AdSense quickly rejected.

As long as you choose a blog niche you feel comfortable writing about and can produce high-quality content because of your knowledge and idea of the niche, in this case, writing content shouldn’t be a problem for you.

3. Sufficient/Quality Content

Having original content on your blog that will draw in and engage readers is one way to quickly receive approval from Google AdSense.

You’ll increase your chances of being accepted as an AdSense publisher if you have at least 500 to 700 words of high-quality content. I am aware of this because I know a friend that got adsense approval for his site. He told me that with just 13 original contents of between 600 and 1200 words, he received approval in about 72 hours. I was amazed!.

His story led me to the conclusion that having original voluminous contents increases the likelihood that high-quality ads can appear throughout the content, this improves your opportunity to make more earnings using AdSense.

4. Blog in Development

A blog or website that is still under development should not be used to apply for AdSense. A blog that is still being built out cannot be approved by AdSense, blogs under development cannot have google display it’s ads.

Most times, blogs under development may not allow google agents to view and understand the site very well, this includes monitoring of contents, traffic sources etc. Remember, google gave you a code to put on you header.php, on cases where your website is down, google make not be able to accept you into the program.

You must make sure that your blog is completely developed and operational before submitting an application for AdSense.

Ensure that your disclaimer notice, terms and conditions, privacy policies, and about us pages are all in place and we’ll navigated. These inform AdSense of the purpose and services of your blog. I will go further to explain why you need the pages I mentioned above.

AdSense considers a select few pages to be essential. People who add all the pertinent pages receive AdSense approval more quickly than those who don’t. If you don’t include this pages, you might not be accepted.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy policy page reassures your blog’s readers or users that any information they share on your website is secure. It is one of the most crucial pages that every website needs.

The privacy policy page includes information about data gathering, data use, data protection, sharing with third parties, cookie use, Google AdSense fair information practices, among other things.

About Us Page

The “about” page of your website is crucial. It is the page that clearly explains to your viewers what your website is all about.

A good about page should sound very informal and approachable. Your about page should elicit some sort of connections with your readers.

Contact Us Page

Before submitting an application for Google AdSense, your blog also has to have a contact page. In addition to the fact that Google AdSense requires it, I believe this to be one of the most crucial pages every website needs to have. It lets your followers know you’re approachable, which is crucial for the development of your site.

Terms and Conditions

Ensure to create terms and conditions page, this helps to governs your website. This is permit your users to know to and what not to do on your website, and by using your website, the terms and conditions that are involved.


The bottom line is that as long as your blog is complete developed and operational and your contents are original, even a minimum of 20 to 200 organic visitors can get your blog approved for AdSense. Ensure you development your website well with a good theme and ensure your navigations are rightly made while bearing in mid to write top notch quality contents.

To learn more about how to get quick approval, you may also go through the Google Program Policy.

Please feel free to ask a question in the comment box, and I’ll try to answer it as quickly as I can.

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