Bill Gates, Dangote to meet President Tinubu on Monday

Bill Gates, a co-founder of Microsoft and Aliko Dangote, the chairman of the Dangote Group, will meet President Bola Tinubu on Monday at the State House in Abuja.

Dangote revealed this following a private meeting with Tinubu on Friday at the Aso Rock Presidential Vila.

I wasn’t really here to do much. I was merely there to let the President know about our meeting with my friend and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. When we get together on Monday, we’ll both get to visit the President,” he told State House reporters.

Despite the fact that Dangote declined to specify the goal of Monday’s visit, it is assumed that it was a component of ongoing discussions Tinubu is having with significant figures in the local and international business sector.

It was reported on June 8 that the President met privately at the Villa with Exxon Mobil executives Liam Mallon, Richard Laing, and Mrs. Adesua Dozie.

On May 29, Tinubu made a commitment to domestic and international investors during his inaugural speech that he would “review all their complaints about multiple taxation and various anti-investment inhibitions.”

He continued, “We will see to it that investors and international companies bring home their hard-earned earnings and profits.

Additionally, the President pledged to pursue industrial policies that “use the full range of fiscal measures to promote domestic manufacturing and reduce import dependency.”

“We want to do this by taking the following actions,” he stated, targeting faster GDP growth and lower unemployment rates. “First, budgetary reform stimulating the economy without engendering inflation would be instituted.

“Second, industrial policy would make use of the full spectrum of fiscal tools to support domestic production and reduce reliance on imports. Third, both homes and businesses will be able to obtain and afford electricity.

“Networks for transmission and distribution should be strengthened, and power generation should nearly double. States will be urged to create local sources as well.

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