Peace Corps bill latest update for September 2023

In this article, Platinum Times will work you through the latest available news update concerning Peace Corps Nigeria.

Nigerians are hopeful that approving the Nigeria Peace Corps law will clear the streets of many unemployed people.

This is occurring as debates about the nation’s jobless rate go on.

The alarming unemployment statistics recently issued by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) serve to highlight the urgency surrounding the Peace Corps Bill.

The unemployment rate in 2023’s first quarter (Q1) was 4.1 percent.

President Buhari was presented with a variety of measures for his approval before to his term expiring on May 29, 2023, including the well-known Nigeria Peace Corps bill.

This bill, proposed by Senator Ali Ndume, sought to provide the Peace Corps legal legitimacy as a government organization and to all currently serving Nigerian Peace Corps volunteers.

The Peace Corps, which Dickson Akoh founded, has fervently supported efforts to promote youth empowerment and peace across the country.

Nevertheless, the organization has had to deal with issues brought on by its lack of a legal foundation and recognition as a government parastatal.

President Buhari’s opposition to the measure in 2018 served as a turning point in its development.

His worries included the potential effects on national security as well as the cost of maintaining the organization.

However, the bill was revived in the 9th Senate, raising hopes that it would finally win the necessary support.

However, the Bola Ahmed Tinubu government has failed to comment on the proposed measure since taking office.

Several young people, including the activist Fred Agbaje, James Akoji, Emmanuel Uduh, and Damiete Paul, asked President Tinubu to acknowledge the bill’s ability to end the country’s unemployment crisis.

Fred Agbaje, “The Peace Corps Bill isn’t just about an organisation; it’s about hope for millions of unemployed youths. Tinubu’s support could be the key to unlocking a better future.”

James Akoji, “Tinubu’s decision carries the weight of our dreams. The Peace Corps offers a chance for youth engagement and positive change. We urge him to seize this opportunity.”

Emmanuel Uduh, “As the unemployment crisis deepens, the Peace Corps Bill stands as a beacon of hope. Tinubu’s endorsement could redefine the future for our generation.”

Damiete Paul, “We’re not just asking for a signature; we’re asking for a lifeline. The Peace Corps can empower us to make a difference. We implore Tinubu to stand with us.”

Aondona Shija, “This isn’t just about a bill; it’s about empowering our youth to shape our nation’s destiny. Let’s rally behind the Peace Corps and the vision it holds.”

Agnes Luga, “The Peace Corps Bill isn’t just policy; it’s a commitment to our youth’s future. I believe in its potential and call for collective endorsement.

“We’re at a juncture where the Peace Corps could be a catalyst for change. Let’s hope Tinubu recognizes the opportunity and the difference it can make.”

Eunice Agaigbe, “The youths hold the keys to our nation’s progress. The Peace Corps Bill can provide a path forward. Let’s unite behind its cause.”


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