History and facts about Annang tribe in Nigeria

In this post, Platinum times archives a concise history, belief, culture and traditions of the Annang people.
Annang people are well known for their fearlessness and brevity, they are the second most populated ethnic group in Akwa Ibom State with diverse languages.
Annang or Anaang is a cultural and ethnic group found in Coastal Southeastern Nigeria and Southwestern Cameroon which was a part of the present Akwa Ibom State and Cross River State before its division into Nigeria and Cameroon.
However, in Nigeria, the Annangs are found in the present day Akwa Ibom State and they occupy about eight out of the thirty one local government areas of the State, they include; Abak, Essien Udim, Etim Ekpo, Ika, Ikot Ekpene, Obot Akara, Oruk Anam and Ukanafun and this accounts for it being the second most populated ethnic group in Akwa Ibom State. They often refer to themselves as “Owo” or agwo Annang due to their ability to speak their dialect fluently and oratory use of proverbs.
The Annangs were previously situated in Abak and Ikot Ekpene Divisions of the Annang Province, in the former Eastern Region of Nigeria popularly known as Ika-Annang and they share a boundary with the Sudanic Igbo.
The Annangs are skillful artisans, traders, farmers and they are known for their numerous delicacies. They are richly endowed with oil palm, raffia and a fertile soil for cultivation.
The language of the Annang people is spoken by the Annang people and over 1.3 million Nigerians, it belongs to Niger-Congo ethnolinguistic group. The diverse dialects are Abak, Ikot Ekpene, Ika, Ukanafun, Etim Ekpo, Obot Akara amongst others.
Some parts of the Annang language can be spoken by natives of Efik, Ibibio, Oron, Ekit (also known as Ekid).Though the Annang speech pattern was not written down, linguists have now produced an orthography of the language which makes it possible to produce written materials in the language.
Beliefs and Traditions
Just like other Africans, the Annang belief in a supernatural being who is self-begotten, Awasi-Ibom.
He created “Anyong”(the sky), “Isong”(the earth) and “Inyang-Ibom” (ocean). Tradition has it that Anyong (sky) and Isong (earth) were joined together. It is believed that “Abasi Isong”assists “Abasi Ibom” to deal with human problems.
“Abasi ibom” means the Lord of the whole boundless universe and everything within it. However, due to His boundlessness, there is neither a temple nor shrine that can accommodate Him, he cannot be localized nor confined, he transcends space and time.
Owing to this, a temple is, therefore, non-existent in the Annang religion as the “Abasi Ibom” is perceived to be unlimited in powers and might. “Abasi Ibom” or” Abot” is the creator, the creator of the divinities, humans, animals, plants and other existents in the world and he comes first before other deities.
The Annangs believe on “Eka Awasi (mother goddess) and “Eka nnem” (mother of the deities). These two are believed to exert control over lesser deities.
They also believe in the life after death and in reincarnation. The dead are believed to continue their some existence in another world invisible to humans.
The Ancestors (Mme Ette-Ette) acts as the spiritual custodians of the family and must be appeased periodically to ensure their protection.
An invisible force called “odudu”is believed to be in every part of nature by the Annangs. It can be enchanted by magicians for the destruction or benefit of man.
Just like every other African traditional religion ,the Annang people belief in witchcraft.
These Witches and Sorcerers use magical powers with the aid of animals and human-like creatures to perform different antisocial work.
They are believed to be nocturnal that gather at different points to promote their interest and celebrate over their prey. Religious leaders and spiritualists are believed to have the antidote for the supernatural powers possessed by these Witches.
The religious ‘expert’ priests, diviners, soothsayers, rainmakers, witch-doctors, mediums, sorcerers and medicine men and women are very important figures in the lives of the people because they are expected to give explanations for any evil that befalls an Annang person in other to appease the spirits.
In Annang land, libations are poured at public functions and invocations are made to ‘Awasi Anyong’ and ‘Awasi Isong’. Awasi Anyong takes charge of the affairs of the ethereal region while Awasi Isong is concerned with the happenings on earth.
The Annang people were first introduced into Christianity by the English Methodist Missionaries in 1919 and it gradually spread throughout the Annang land up till date.
Leadership and societies
Siblings from the same “Ilip”(womb) can be traced to the same mother or father. Those who trace their ancestry to the same parents form” Ufok” ( house or compound).
Several ufoks make up Ekpuks or extended family and several Ekpuks (extended families) make up “Ilung” (meaning village) and several villages make up the “abie” or clan. This is in many ways similar to the system used by other south eastern Nigerian peoples.
Leadership at the family, lineage, village, or clan level is the right of the men, and lineage ties extends to women even after marriage.
Governance is done by elderly males who act as the legislative arm called Afe Ichong, directed by the Abong Ichong (Village Chief and Clan Chief) who is the head and the chief executive but without the authority beyond what the Afe Ichong gives. A chief can be appointed by the Afe or can be an inherited office.
There are many societies and associations (Ulim also called “udim”) for men and women which are very important in traditional village life.
They perform a masquerade after the yam harvest to mark the visit of ancestral spirits, or ekpo. This is also the name of a men’s associations that once had great influence among Ibibio groups.
The Anang carve masks with grotesque features, known as iliok, which are considered dangerous and may only be viewed by members of the ekpo society.
Cultural Practices
The Annang people are known for some cultural practices like: Disregarding females when it comes to power and positions, grandparents are not supposed to beat their grandchildren, married women are not allowed to cheat on their husbands because it will lead to misfortune.
They have food taboos like, eating squirrel, python, African black birds and albino python.
The Anang women are not completely subordinate to men, they are partners and leaders in many aspects of Anaang tradition, including serving as female chief priests “Abia Iyong” in the Iyong cult or as healers in the healing cults.
The first-born female known as Aliaha is important and commands respect in the family and lineage.
Some traditions believe that a woman’s first birth should take place in her mother’s compound. Women’s organizations such as “abi-de” and “Nyaama”, and “Isong Iban” play important roles in giving the women voice and status in society.
There are no traditional or cultural barriers that prevent women from attaining high offices or positions.
Their young girls undergo the fattening room practice which prepares them for marriage.
The girl would be confined to a room and instructed on how to be a wife and perform motherly duties, she would be made to sleep on a bamboo bed to aid fatten her up and also make it possible for her to conceive easily.
This use for fertility purposes was also used at time for infertile wives and as a prerequisite for entrance into secret societies. A fattening room girl is called ” mbobo”.
The Annang men are believed to be strong, fearless and possess spiritual powers and charms which help them to conquer their enemies during inter tribal wars. They are also over possessive of their wives as they would not want to share their wife or wives with another.