Don’t destroy my govt, Tinubu screams on his son Seyi

With the high tension yet unsettled after the reported 11m dollars purchase of foreign property by son of the President, Seyi Tinubu, there has been another crisis surrounding the son of the President.

In so many reports, Seyi is said to have been ordering long standing aides of the President around claiming that it’s on instruction from his father. Seyi is reported to be using phrases like “My Daddy said you should do this and that”. Seyi is now nicknamed “My Daddy” in some close presidency circles.

Part of the anger brewing is that Seyi Tinubu wants to appoint all Principal officers for the President. One of the key appointments Seyi has eyes on are the Principal Private Secretary, Petroleum Trust Development Fund, NNPC and other juicy positions.

Seyi is reported to have started flying kites around the name of a certain friend of his, an Ife Prince from the Oba Adesoji Aderemi family to hold the position of Principal Private Secretary to the President to enable him keep an eagle eye on the President’s private and sensitive engagements.

Onlookers are concerned for Nigeria not to witness a repeat occurrence of aspiring Ministers paying money to secure appointments which would in turn hamper productivity.

Seyi is also said to be boastful around his friends that he is the “President’s Heir and not even his elder sister, Folashade Tinubu lyaloja General of Lagos or Stepmother, First Lady Remi Tinubu can stop him from emerging as Kingmaker for many aspiring appointees, some of whom are now said to be unfortunately genuflecting towards him, as Seyi has said in different circles that he must have a say in every appointment of Ministers, Aides and DGS his father might want to tap for public service.

It got to a head when one of Tinubu’s longtime Aides (name withheld) reportedly stood his ground firmly by telling Seyi “I do not work for you, I work for Mr. President. Please stop dropping his name to order me around with instructions he did not pass through you”.

Somehow, this development reportedly filtered into President Tinubu’s ears and was said to have screamed on Seyi as follows: “Do not damage my government. I am here to work for Nigerians This is not family business and you do not have such position of Authority to order my Aides around”. Tinubu was said to have added “If you do not desist from this behaviour, I will keep you permanently away in the UK rather than allow you to cause disaffection amongst those who work with me”.

When we reached the Presidential Spokesperson, Tunde Rahman for comments, he said “I am not aware. We’re still settling down and are focused on delivering value to Nigerians, not energizing rumours”.

A source close to the Presidency who pleaded anonymity however said “Yes, it happened and I was very proud of the President. am not Yoruba but i realized through this that Yoruba people have culture in disciplining their children, no matter how old. The President was mad with Seyi and threatened to ban him outside the Presidential corridors if he would not behave himself”.

From Tural Yaradua to Patience Jonathan to Asha Buhari, Nigeria has been beset with Presidential families wielding powers over the Villa.

President Tinubu’s riot act may yet signal a departure from this as sources close to power said repeatedly that the President is in search of patriotic and qualified Nigerians to run administration with him, not through power mongering by Seyi who throws his weight
around as “First Son”.

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