Hope Uzodinma Biography, career, education, family, awards, net worth

In this post platinumtimes.ng chronicles the biography, career, family, education of Gov. Hope Uzodinma.

Hope Odidika Uzodimma is a Nigerian politician who has been elected for second time to serve as Governor of Imo state after his victory in the 2023 Imo State gubernatorial election that held on Saturday 11th November, 2023.

He is also a successful business merchant and philantropist.

Profile Summary

Name: Hope Odidika Uzodimma

Born: 12 December 1958

Place of birth: Omuma, Imo, Nigeria

Education: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Religion: Christianity

Spouse: Chioma Uzodinma

Career: Politician

Political party: All Progressives Congress (APC)

Early life

Hope Uzodimma was born on 12 December 1958 in Omuma, Oru East LGA, Imo state, Nigeria.


Uzodimma had his secondary education at Mgbidi Secondary School in Omumu, Oru West, Imo State, Nigeria.

He holds a Diploma in transport studies and a Bachelor’s degree in International studies and Diplomacy from Washington University in St. Louis.

He also holds a Diploma in Maritime Management Technology, and Higher Diploma in the same field, from the Federal University of Technology Owerri.

Uzodinma bagged a Master’s degree in Human Relations from the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) and another degree in Political Science from the University of London.

He has an Honorary Doctorate degree from Imo State University and a Fellow of the College of Agriculture, Umuagwo from the Federal University of Technology Owerri.


He was born in to an Igbo Catholic family of Chief Michael and Ezinne Rose Uzodimma.

His father held the chieftaincy title of Igwe of Ozuh Omuma and his mother was Ezinne Rose Uzodimma (née Nneoha).

Uzodimma is a devout Catholic, and he is married to Chioma Uzodimma and together they have seven children.

Political history

Before venturing into politics, Uzodinma was a successful business tycon, managing his several businesses which yielded good profits.

During the Second Nigerian Republic, he joined the National Party of Nigeria (NPN), where he became the Imo State youth leader in 1983.

He was a strong member of the United Nigeria Congress Party during the third Nigerian Republic.

In 1999, after the return to democracy, Uzodimma joined the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) serving in several committees.

In 2002, he defected to the Alliance for Democracy and contested for the April 2003 gubernatorial election in Imo State but lost to an opponent from the People’s Democratic party (PDP).

After losing the election, he returned to the PDP in February 2004 and came second after contesting in the party’s primaries.

In January 2011, Uzodimma won his bid for the Senatorial seat of Imo state and was sworn in as senator representing Imo West Senatorial Constituency. He was re-elected in 2015 for a second tenure.

Again, he left the people’s Democratic party and joined the ruling All Progressive Congress( APC) in 2018 ahead of the 2019 gubernatorial election of the state.

He succeeded in the election and was sworn in as the Governor of Imo state in January, 2020.

On 31 May 2023, Uzodimma emerged as chairman of the Progressive Governors Forum, the umbrella body of governors of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

Ahead of his re-election in 2023, Gov Uzodinma on August 13, 2023, dropped his deputy and chosed a female, Chinyere Ihuoma Ekomaru as his running mate for the 11 November 2023 governorship election in the state which he subsequently emerged victorious qualifying him for a second term in office as Governor of Imo State.

Awards and Titles

The Most Outstanding Parliamentarian of the Year by the Nigerian News, 2017.

A peace award from the United Nations, 2022.

Governor of the year Award from The Sun, 2021.

The Most Prolific Governor of the Year by Face of Democracy Nigeria, FDN, 2023.

Gov. Uzodimma was conferred with the Grand Service Star of Rivers State (GSSRS) in May 2023.

Award by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), 2023.

He also holds the ceremonial title of Onwa-Netiri Oha of Omuma in Oru East local government of Imo State.

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