Uphold integrity, honesty and highest standards – EFCC chairman tells new cadets

Abdulkarim Chukkol, the interim chairwoman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), has warned the organization’s freshmen against corruption.

At the EFCC Academy in Abuja’s passing-out ceremony for 318 detective superintendent cadets on Friday, Mr. Chukkol gave a speech.

“Any act of corruption, disloyalty, disobedience to constituted authority…will be decisively dealt with and the defaulters shown the exit,” Mr Chukkol warned.

He advised the new detectives to become familiar with the rules and regulations of the EFCC as well as other legal requirements related to their professional tasks.

Following Mr. Chukkol’s advice, EFCC secretary George Ekpungu urged the graduates to maintain the highest standards of morality and conduct themselves with respect in all of their transactions.

“We uphold integrity, honesty and highest standards…If you compromise your office, you will be sent back home to your parents. So parents caution your children on illegalities and avoid putting them under unnecessary pressure,” Mr Ekpungu said.

Also in the news

The commander of the EFCC Academy, Ayo Olowonihi, spoke passionately to the cadets and reminded the graduates of their 12-month journey of demanding training.

Given the commission’s investment in the cadets’ training, he warned them not to let the country down.

Mr. Olowonihi asked the cadets to uphold the virtue of honesty in carrying out their duties.

Graduation of new cadets. Origin: EFCC
Graduation of new cadets. Origin: EFCC
The cadets received training in forensics, field studies, general studies, operations, finance, law, and ICT.

The awarding of prizes to deserving cadets was the ceremony’s high point.

Ikotun Sola was the top graduating cadet, followed by Babalola Marry for first place and Olalere Abiodun for second.

Other honorees included Yusuf Mohammed Fawal, who won the “Best Rifles Award,” and Atele Igyatwen for the female best maximum riffles.

The Best Women’s Pistol Award went to Hauwa Mohammed, and the Best Man’s Pistol Award went to Abubakar Sani.

Two cadets named Salim Zakariyya and Anyu Samuel won the commandant award known as the “IT Creative Award of the Year” for creating a software program for the EFCC Academy.

The anti-corruption organization’s academy produced 115 graduates in May.

The EFCC’s suspended chair, Abdulrasheed Bawa, urged the detectives to abstain from corrupt behavior during the prior graduation ceremony.

Two weeks before to President Bola Tinubu’s suspension from office, the event took place only days before his inauguration.

Mr. Chukkol, who was the EFCC’s director of operations at the time Mr. Bawa was suspended, took over as acting chair.

The State Security Service (SSS) of Nigeria has been holding Mr. Bawa since his indefinite suspension on June 14.

Since the establishment of EFCC in 2003, its leadership has undergone a rocky transition.

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