Life Story Of Rear Admiral Emmanuel Okechukwu Ogalla

Rear Admiral Emmanuel Ikechukwu Ogalla was born on 20 Dec 68 in Enugu Ezike Igbo Eze north LGA Enugu State, Nigeria.
He as been appointment by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as Chief of Naval Staff of of Nigeria on June 2023.
He obtained the WASC from the NMS Zaria in Jun 87 where he graduated as the best boy in Sciences.
He is a member of the 39 RC NDA, graduated with a BSc in Maths and was awarded sword of honour as the best naval cadet in his course.
He was commissioned S Lt on 16 Sep 92 and rose to the rank of R Adm wef 16 Sep 21. He completed the STC NNS QUORRA, Basic Hydrography National Hydrographic School India in May 2000, Junior and Senior Staff Courses AFCSC Jaji in Nov 01 and Jul 06 respectively. He was a participant of NDC Course 22 and was awarded fdc in Aug 14.
As part of the Course, he took part in the MSc Strategic Studies programme, University of Ibadan from 2014 to 2015.
As Comdt, he established a connection between the School and Teledyn Marines, a reputable OEM in the US, allowing the NN to purchase a variety of survey equipment from the business, improving practical instruction.
In order to bring the School’s curriculum into compliance with IHO criteria, he was also crucial. The senior officer played a key role in the localization of tidal prediction and analysis during his tour of duty at the NNHO.
He contributed professionally to the survey of the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem, which was financed by the FAO, and to the creation of the NNHO charts.
He made improvements to the college research package during his tenure at the NDC and oversaw the 2018 participants’ research study excursion to China and South Korea.
As DLL, he was in charge of gathering and analyzing prior NN Operations and Activities in order to develop the appropriate conclusions for doctrinal and operational advancements.
The FSS, MSS, DSS, and GSS are awards given to the senior officer.
He belongs to the International Earth Rotation Services, the Nigerian Institute of Management, the Nigerian Hydrographic Society, and the UK’s Occupational Safety and Health Association.
He is married to Mrs. Ijeoma Ogalla, and they have two children together.
His interests include juggling, reading, listening to music, and doing scientific and natural history research.